Friday, March 6, 2009

We are so Blessed!

Well we are moved into our own place now and Matt has been working for about three weeks now. We were only jobless for just over a week, which everyone can say is a huge blessing right now. We found a nice townhome and the boys are sleeping in the same room! I get my own craft/office room. Matt is enjoying his job and the kids are enjoying new cousins. I still miss my girls in Washington. I'm learning very quickly that the lord will put you on the path you need to be on if you are doing what is right. I'm grateful for that. We are so blessed that everything has worked out so well and quite easily.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm glad that everything has worked out so well. Everybody is moving back to Idaho, eh. Thanks for the reminder that if we do what is right we'll be blessed. I've had a lot on my mind lately, too. Have fun unpacking & making your new home. Love ya =)

Maria said...

Hey Maria! It's Maria! (Finch) :) I found your blog through Lara's. So your back in Idaho huh? I'd like to move to a small town (not that IF is small) but I swear I'm doomed to be a city mom (I hate the city). Your kids are really cute! If you don't mind I want to add you to my blog list. My blog is
Good seeing ya!
P.S. Isn't it so sad about Brain Godfrey?

Laura said...

We are happy you are here too!! Callie also loves her *new* cousins.

Kirk and Jill Smith - said...

Maria, that's great! I'm so happy for you guys. That just gave me chilss. As sad as I am that you left I know you're doing what's best for you! What a blessing. I'm so glad you were able to get your own place. We love the in-laws, but we LOVE our own space right?!?!? :o) Glad to hear Matt's job is going well. Miss you! Love ya!

We are Jared, Amy and Spencer. said...

Maria, I am glad to hear everything is working out so easily for you guys. We miss you but it must have been what you were supposed to do. Take Care!


Well it was so fun to see you guys. Well I am glad that your settled in and doing great. Call next time your down.

Da Ilaoa's said...

Yeah! So glad it didn't take too long for you guys to get settled!

Unknown said...

Hey! Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you! Things have been a bit CRAZY. But then again, when aren't they? :) I am so happy to hear things worked out so well so quickly. Good luck to you guys! Wish I wasn't so in my own world when you guys lived here. We could have done more together! There was just so much going on in our lives. Anyway, take care and good luck with everything.

Des said...

Congrats on the the new job and your own place. I am glad things worked out in a timely manner for you. Hope everything continues to go smoothly!