Thursday, June 4, 2009

Break Throughs!!

This last week we have had a few breakthroughs that have made life easier and some not so much (at least I'm still trying to decide)!

1st- I have had a weakness for taking the easy way when it comes to putting Kysaac to bed. For example its easier for me to sit with him until he falls asleep than to have him get out of bed crying every 5 min. Plus since he has not been taking naps it only takes him 5 min or less for him to be completely out!.....Not anymore! Matt and I gathered our patience together (preparing for a long few nights) and told Kysaac that mommy is not staying with him while he falls asleep.
1st night-A little cave of bribery and he was asleep in 20 min.
2nd night- no crying or noise (we thought we were so lucky) found him asleep at the top of the stairs when we went to bed!
3rd night- success!!

2nd- You'd think my boys were raised in Washington or something cause they wont eat meat very well or Potatoes at all!!! Ky will eat french fries but Hampton wont even do that. I made hamburgers for me and Matt and hotdogs for the boys one day and we went out to eat on our patio. Out of the blue Ky looks at Matt and says he wants one like daddy. I jumped at the oportunity and he ate his first whole Hamburger Ever!(he's 3 1/2!) Since then he's more likely to eat (or try) other meats and often asks for hamburgers. I've also thrown in mashed potatoes and he will eat them without gravy. Weird but Yeah!!!

3rd-(I'm still debating) Of course boys will be boys and brothers will be brothers but I've been trying to get Kysaac to think about how he needs to take care of his little brother. He has defintily gotten better and I love to see them play and "bond" as brothers. However....there are times now that they knowingly ally together against me. The best story so far is last night during dinner we were eating(matt was working) and Hampton turned his plate upside down and started swishing his hands back and forth through it. I yelled in frustration for him to stop and he froze with the cutest puckered lip ever. While I was trying not to laugh I swear he signaled Kysaac. He didn't move his face or body but his eyes went from mine to Ky's about three times. Ky started laughing and playing with his food. I told Ky to stop and that he better finish eating or he was in trouble too. While my attention was occupied Hampton then swished more food on the floor and they started laughing so hard! Holding back my own laughter I stood up and leaned over to them. They both stopped and then Hampton took a bite then did the same eye thing and Ky took a bite. "please finish eating" I said and sat back down. the second I sat down they looked at eachother and started laughing while they continued to play with their food. They were absolutely in alliance and knew exactly what they were doing!!! I just started laughing!! Even after cleaning it up I feel so lucky to be a mom of two funny funny boys!


Anonymous said...

Damian was 5 before he went to bed without me laying down with him.

Can't wait to see you guys again, the boys sound like lots of fun!

Emily said...

Haha, Maria, I was just reading your tag on the side bar and it was making me laugh because I am the same way about being matchy-matchy and about not being able to share food! It is a good thing Ryan puts up with me because I get pretty stingy when it comes to food or a treat I want just for myself! How are you guys doing? We are going to miss you once we're in Utah, so we'll have to come and visit occasionally! Hope all is going well!


Wow your doing good. I hate trying to get the kids to eat they are so picky. Well we need to go to ross park sometime soon let me know when works for you.