Saturday, October 4, 2008


Everyone around this area goes fishing. When we ask people what they like to do or what their hobbies are, it's fishing. So Matt and I checked into it and while it can be an expensive hobbie it can be inexpensive too! We went and got a pole for Matt and a small one for Kysaac and went to the lake, which is about 10 min. away. We had a really good time and with just our family and the kids did really good. Kysaac doesn't understand how to cast but he is really good at realing the line in and really likes the idea of getting a fish. Our first trip was short and we learned a little without looking dumb infront of anyone. Our second trip we invited a couple from the ward and we had fun with them while also learning more about fishing. Matt and I both agreed that its a great way to get away from the stress of life right now. We think we are going to have a great new hobbie! Who'd a thought?

This is Jon, Kysaac wouldn't let go of him. It was really funny!
Hampton was having a great time as long as one of us was holing him. (this was his birthday too)

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