Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hampton's 1st Birthday!

I can't believe that Hampton is already ONE! He is so cute and brings so much joy to our family. He has his dad wrapped around his finger. He started crawling at six months and walking at 10 1/2 to 11 months. He has 7 teeth and is working on his eighth. He loves to try and keep up with his brother and has the cutest pout ever! We Love You Hampton!
It was a little different to not have any family around but we had a good day with the boys! While Hampton had his morning nap we rolled out wrapping paper for Kysaac to color so we could wrap his gifts.
Then we had lunch and sang to him. He didn't understand why we were singing to just him. But he loved his cake! It was cute and fun for him to dig his fingers into it.

These are his presents! Kysaac helped him open them really good. He didn't care though he was excited. You should see him cuddle the panda, it's adorable!
Kysaac was good and showed him how to build a tower with his new blocks! He loved them and thier bright colors! He likes to stack them up and knock them over. He laughs when they fall.


Kirk and Jill Smith - said...

How cute! Happy Happy Birthday Hampton dear!!! Oh, I wish we could have been there. :o( Hope you had a great day. How was moving? You guys have everything organized yet? Do you like your new house?

Cierra said...

wow he is getting so big! fun birthday!

Rebecca said...

I cannot believe that 1 year has passed. That is crazy. Kids are wonderful. I am amazed at how many teeth he has. Jessica has 2 and is working on her 3rd. Teeth are a pain to get in since they upset their systems so much, but they are nice when they finally do get them in.
Tell him Happy Birthday from us. HE sure is cute. Have a good day!


Happy Birthday Hampton! Wow they grow so fast he is such a cutie. Sounds like you guys are busy with fishing and birthdays, looks really fun.

Laura said...

Wowzers!! Happy Birthday Hampton!

And also yay for fishing, I need to go again, it has been a while.

Anonymous said...

We're glad that he had a good birthday! Have fun with the fishing:)

Kirk and Jill Smith - said...

Hey, I need your address! Oh, and your phone # I dropped my cell in the toilet. Brilliant I know!!!